What makes up web3? NFTs NFTs vs Other Types of Tokens

NFTs vs Other Types of Tokens

In the previous lessons, we’ve learned what NFTs are, what they can do, and what they can look like.

But what is the difference between NFTs and other types of tokens?

To recap, an NFT is a one-of-a-kind digital asset that can be represented by some sort of media (text, image, video, file, etc). It lives on the blockchain, serving as proof of ownership for the asset. Its value is determined by both subjective and objective characteristics

There are also fungible tokens.

Unlike NFTs, fungible tokens are common digital assets that are not represented by any form of media. Like NFTs, they also live on the blockchain as a way to prove ownership. Their value is also derived from subjective and objective characteristics.

In other words, fungible tokens are cryptocurrencies!

Cryptocurrencies are not unique:

1 Bitcoin is equal to another 1 Bitcoin.

Whereas NFTs are unique:

1 NFT is not equal to another, 1 NFT.

And that's that!

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